How to Avoid Distraction While Studying?
To start with a little perspective, our brain comprises of billions of neurons with trillions of connections between them- each busy with their own actions and calculations. While this much computing power means anything you want to learn or remember should be a piece of cake, anyone who has ever studied would agree that it is not the case. Most of our brain power is continuously being drained over unnecessary thoughts and irrelevant stimuli- which if not contained, can make learning a very painfully slow process. Check out these proven methods to avoid distractions and make most out of your study times:
1. Switch off your cellphone
Yes, smartphones are pretty handy at doing some of the most important and useful stuff, but they are also incredibly distracting. If you are even remotely thing about using it for studies, just don’t! if there are some study materials in it, take a printout but please switch it off.
2. Find a peaceful environment
Be it your room, a park, a library, or the terrace, find an environment with least distractions and that suits you as a person. General rule of thumb is to pick some place with proper lighting and ventilation, but if locking yourself in your dorm room improves your focus, there is no reason to avoid.
3. Avoid group studies
Yes, group studies are a good way for collaborative studies and clearing doubts, but more often than not they do more harm than good- especially if there are non-serious students around. There is no harm consulting your friends and teachers if you need any help, but make sure it only happens when you actually need any help and not out of habit.
4. Music
Ok, this is actually a tricky one. Some people like studying listening to their favorite music and claim it helps them focus batter. While there are others who are distracted by even the slightest of tunes. To be clear and concise, pick what suits you best. That being said, there are indeed scientific studies that show classical music perks up certain sections of brain that helps in better learning the matter at hand.
5. Move around
This may seem like an absurd idea, as moving around generally invites distractions. But on the contrary, or bodies are designed by the evolution to move and doesn’t like being sedentary for long periods. Taking quick 2 minutes brakes between 20-30 minutes of studies actually helps release the stress and consequently improves our concentration level.
6. Don’t just read, write
Contrary to our body, our mind appreciates it if we provide different jobs to it. Getting bored or not, writing while study involves different parts of your brain in the learning process and consequently more attention is paid to the study material.
7. Just breathe
Most simple and effective way to avoid distractions is to catch your brain while it is distracted. Every time you find yourself distracted, just close your eyes and take deep breathes for a minute or two. This effectively supplies more oxygen to your body and helps it regain the lost focus.