The Complete Guide to Save Bucks on College Textbooks
So, your academic session is near to start. You already have been paid a high bugs on tuition fees. Now after seeing towards syllabus, you’re feeling like sucked up or in shock. Of course, it has a list of expensive books to buy. The price tags on those books are astonishing and they are always climbing.
If you are not ready to spend all bucks on textbooks and willing to find a way, then consider following expert-suggested tips that will surely help you to save big bucks.
Buy used textbooks
Buy used textbooks is the ultimate way to shop cheap course book. Don’t mind a little slit, after all now it’s your own. You may get them online or from a local retail shopper. All you need is to pay attention to their reviews and ratings or let advice to any experience relative/senior. Before to buy check their return policies, replacement guarantee and price detailing. Buy, if everything is nice and if they are offering with buyback value so bring it on.
If you don’t want to buy anymore, you have an extra option to rent them. There are so many platform available online and offline who gives the opportunity to assign the books for specific period you required. In fact, some colleges also provide this facility for student’s ease. So firstly, check with your college or school to discover whether this opportunity available or not. If they don’t have in stock, check availability at local retailer stores or go with digital.
There are plenty of websites like “CourseSmart”, “Chegg”, “Textbook Rentals” available for this purpose. They will let you read online or you can access their content via Doc/PDF document.
If you plan to sell your previous semester books, you may as well rent. Before to sell them, compare their prices on several stores and choose the good one.
Tip: Avoid marking up and take good care of the book. Keep them in best shape as possible and rent.
Photocopy of what you required
This is the trickiest way to get all required content at low-cost. However, you can potentially get free content by copying the pages you need from your college library or a friend. You only need to copy content from a few books and you should consider this option as it’ll save the most bugs.
To store all photocopy in one place, use three ring folder and arrange all content accordingly your syllabus. This trick will help you associate your reading content into simpler form and you can swap them anytime as needed.
Moreover if you don’t like to store paper altogether, you’ve an another option to go digital. You can scan textbooks and create PDF or text file that you can store on your laptop, kindle as well store in drive for backup.
Go electronic
Well, before to buy textbooks always search for online options. There are plenty of websites available across the globe, who provide free eBooks or at very cheap cost. Make sure are they available in stock or at less bucks than sellers.
Join and actively participate in these online sources. They experience the new methods to learn with several offers, discounts and save your valuable time with instant access.